Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a martial art and combat sport that focuses on grappling and especially ground fighting. In Jiu-Jitsu, a combatant uses joint-locks and chokeholds to gain a dominant position and force an opponent to either submit or be knocked out. The art is based on early 20th century Kodokan Judo – a fighting art which itself is based on multiple schools (or Ryu) of Japanese Jujutsu.
Jiu-Jistu promotes the principle that a smaller, weaker person using leverage and proper technique can successfully defend himself against a bigger, stronger assailant. It primarily uses a Judo takedown to gain a dominant position. Students often train for self defense, sport grappling tournaments (gi and no-gi) and mixed martial arts (MMA) competition. Sparring (commonly referred to as ‘rolling’) and live drilling play a major role in training. A premium is placed on performance, especially in competition.
Also check out our MMA Fighter Style Boot Camp.
Drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after your class to quench your thirst and keep yourself hydrated and don’t eat a least one hour before your class.